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Refund Poli

Item is "Not as Described"

An item is considered "not as described" if it significantly differs from the description or preview provided. It's crucial to accurately represent the features and functionality of items. If an item is "not as described," we are obligated to refund the buyers.

Item Doesn't Work as Intended

If an item doesn't function as it should and can't be easily fixed, we are obligated to refund the buyers. This includes issues that would have deterred a buyer from purchasing if they had known about the problem beforehand. If the item can be fixed, we will do so promptly by updating it. Otherwise, we are obligated to issue a refund.

Item Has a Security Vulnerability

If an item contains a security vulnerability that can't be easily fixed, we are obligated to refund the buyers. If the vulnerability can be fixed, we will promptly update the item. If the security issue is not resolved within an appropriate timeframe, we are obligated to issue a refund.

Item Support is Promised but Not Provided

If we have promised item support and fail to provide it according to our support policy, we are obligated to refund buyers who have purchased support.

No Refund Scenarios

Generally, if the item is materially similar to its description and preview and works as intended, there is no obligation to provide a refund in the following situations:

The buyer decides they no longer want the item after downloading it.The item did not meet the buyer's expectations.The buyer is dissatisfied with the current feature set of the product.The buyer changes their mind.The buyer purchased the item by mistake.The buyer lacks the expertise to use the item.The buyer requests a refund as a goodwill gesture.The buyer can no longer access the item because it has been removed.Problems arise from the API providing organization.No refund will be provided after 30 days from the purchase of an item.

Force Refund

We hold the authority to issue a refund without a request from the buyer. A force refund will terminate software access and support by invalidating the purchase code immediately.

Refund Request

If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us:

By email: [email protected] visiting this page on our website: Support

All Rights Reserved @ LeadMagnet IQ, Limitless Passion LTD